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10 Things That Suck About Motherhood

June 26, 2012

by Valerie

Last week I wrote a post about 10 things I love about being a mother.  We all know there is a dark side to motherhood, all those things that no one tells you before you accept the sperm deposit. So here is a little Yin and Yang. These are some of the things that suck about being a mother. Disclaimer Alert: I love my children and being a mother. We all know it’s a really crappy job sometimes.

  1. Saggy boobs from breastfeeding.
  2. My house will never be clean again.
  3. Childbirth – they are coming out one way or another once they’re in there.
  4. Spending half my life as a hot mess. Ok, actually three quarters.
  5. Mean old ladies at the grocery store who lecture me about my child not being dressed appropriately for the weather.
  6. 5 tons of cheap Chinese plastic.
  7. Remembering to play the tooth fairy. Yes, we actually forgot for our son’s 1st tooth.
  8. Too many bodily fluids to mention.
  9. Just falling asleep when you hear a crying baby or a kid yelling “Mommy!”
  10. There will never again be enough hours in the day.

Smile. You have 18 years to enjoy it.

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  1. Yep, pretty much yes to all of those! Good list.

  2. Loving this post!! I get so happy when other moms are real about the bad side of being a mom. So many moms feel the need to come across as so perfect and pretend like its all rainbows and butterflies all of the time! Stopping by from the blog hop! Am now a new follower:) Would love if you could follow me back!

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