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Valerie and Aubrey met when their kids were in the same preschool class. Instantly they recognized something special about the other. Both Moms were real people. Not the phony façade many Moms put on for new people. You know the type, perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect clothes. Children always impeccably dressed. House is always clean for guests. Whatevs. We are normal people you see at the playground and what makes us fun is that we are both always ready for a new adventure, always ready for a party.

Keep in mind when reading this is a blog written by two seperate people.  Not one person with multiple personalities.

  1. Came on over from Blog Hopper! Can’t find your Facebook link, do you have one? Happy Weekend!

  2. Hi mydailyjennism thanks for reading. our FB page is at:

    headed to your page now.

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